
Fill-more or the important of reading documentation

I love Emacs and the auto-fill more. When I work I use it always to make easier to read the text (with a small value, like 80 or 100). Then, if I have to copy to a Word Document (in collaboration with other people) or a text (like in the submission of a review) I simple set the fill-column to a large value (2000 or similar), with C-x f. Later, I copy all the text.

Elfeed: Using emacs for reading RSS

In last years I have been using Emacs for almost all my daily tasks: Reading my emails (using mu4e). Creating the slides for my courses using org-beamer. Using dired to navigate for the file system). Publishing this blog (using Hugo and ox-hugo). The last thing to integrate into emacs is reading blogs and news from RSS files. Adding elfeed and elfeed-org I was able to create RSS. elfeed-org is very simple, it allows to add the feeds as items in org-mode: