
This package allow users to run its source code a lot faster. However, you could have doubts about the limitations of running a script through DaemonMode.

This section is to prove you that you can do more than expected.

Error Stack

Current version of Daemon can show the Error Stack in a very similar way than using directly julia.

  • Colors: The message error is remarked using Crayons.jl.

  • Number of calls: The calls due to DaemonMode are hidden, to improve the readibility.

For instance, with the following file bad.jl:

function fun2(a)

function fun1()


Directly with julia:

$ julia bad.jl
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: b not defined
 [1] fun2(::Int64) at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:2
 [2] fun1() at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:6
 [3] top-level scope at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:9
 [4] include(::Function, ::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:380
 [5] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:368
 [6] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:296
 [7] _start() at ./client.jl:506
in expression starting at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:9

or in color: Results with julia

with DaemonMode it gaves:

$ julia -e 'using DaemonMode; runargs()' bad.jl
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: b not defined
 [1] fun2 at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:2
 [2] fun1 at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:6
 [3] top-level scope at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:9

or in color:

Results with jclient


The script can use Logging. There are two situations:

  • The messages are written to a external file.

  • The messages are written to console.

Both situations are working nicely. For instance, for the file test_log1.jl:

using  Logging, LoggingExtras

function msg()
    @warn "warning 1\nanother line\nlast one"
    @error "error 1"
    @info "info 1"
    @debug "debug 1"


running directly with julia:

$ julia test_log1.jl
┌ Warning: warning 1
│ another line
│ last one
└ @ Main ~/working/DaemonMode/test/test_log1.jl:4
┌ Error: error 1
└ @ Main ~/working/DaemonMode/test/test_log1.jl:5
[ Info: info 1

while in color:

Logging with julia

running with client:

$ juliaclient test_log1.jl
 Warning: warning 1
│ another line
│ last one
└ @ Main /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/test_log1.jl: 4
┌ Error: error 1
└ @ Main /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/test_log1.jl: 5
┌ Info: info 1
└ @ Main /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/test_log1.jl: 6
┌ Debug: debug 1
└ @ Main /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/test_log1.jl: 7

or in color:

Logging with jclient

Return code

juliaclient defined as:

alias juliaclient='julia –startup-file=no -e "using DaemonMode; runargs()"'


  • 0 if the script runs without any problem.
  • 1 if there is any unexpected problem.

By example:

$ jclient hello.jl 
Hello, World!
$ echo $?
$ jclient bad.jl 
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: b not defined
 [1] fun2 at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:2
 [2] fun1 at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:6
 [3] top-level scope at /mnt/home/daniel/working/DaemonMode/test/bad.jl:9

$ echo $?